Category: Contributor

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September 12, 2023 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road, Are you ready for some football? It is almost time for a big game to start, so I may not be too long in this newsletter. I hope you are all doing well. The daylight is fading quickly, so enjoy this time as soon we’ll be turning the heat back…

August 6, 2023 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road, Is it really August already? The summer is flying by, so I recommend you make the time to do the fun stuff you wanted to do while you were avoiding the snowbanks. I made sure I got outside this weekend and darkened up my tan. With all the rain we’ve…

July 24, 2023 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road, I hope none of you have been cheating on our road with another road. I know the Bayley Hazen Road has its appeal, but the CPR is older, much older! It has many more stories to tell. Hopefully some day through archeology, we’ll learn more of those stories. I’m getting…

July 4, 2023 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road, Is everyone enjoying the first few days of Summer? There’s been days where the smoke was so thick, we could imagine ourselves on a battlefield, just without the booms of the canon and pops of the muskets. The corn is not knee high, but it will probably be fine. It…

June 5, 2023 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road, We are in the ups and downs of Spring weather. If you don’t like it, wait 5 minutes and it will change. I was thankful for the cooler weather today after some hot days. I’m also looking forward to some rain in the forecast as I’ve got brown sections on…

May 14, 2023 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road, I am trying to observe today as a day of rest, after a long and laborious day yesterday. The weather here was perfect and it felt so good to be outside. It makes me want to get annuals and plant garden seeds, but it is too early for that still….

April 27, 2023 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road, I admit the past couple weeks have gotten past me and now we are rapidly approaching our first outing. The early warm weather got my mind on other things and I suppose life just got in the way of the CPRA hat I proudly wear. I hope by now most…

February 2, 2023 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road, How are you all doing? Where I’m writing this now, I’m happy to report that there is finally snow outside. It doesn’t seem like Winter without it. It sure helps the local economy too, so that is good. I’ve been enjoying the football games, have a hot pellet stove behind…

November 16, 2022 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road, I’m writing on the eve of what is expected to be our first significant snowstorm for the season. For those who have moved south and have forgotten, YES, we do get snow this early and often even earlier. Daylight Savings Time has now ended here, and Thanksgiving is right around…

September 23, 2022 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road,I do believe today closes out the Summer of 2022. The daylight is rapidly getting shorter, but there’s still plenty of weather to get out and enjoy yourself. I’ve been seeing tons of events on local calendars, so spin the wheel and pick something fun. This weekend I’ll be at a…