Category: Contributor

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January 20, 2019 Dale Christie

Hello All, Has everyone made it out to do some peeping? I’m sure some of you may not be happy about the weather getting colder, or the increased amount of traffic on the roads, but I do like this time of year. The temperature isn’t as hot, the bugs aren’t bad and the hills sure…

January 20, 2019 Dale Christie

Hello CPRA members, I have been receiving a lot of survey responses. If you have done it already, thank you, and if you haven’t please do so. There is no rush at all. Even if you have no plans to participate in the next walk through event, please open the survey, answer “No” on the…

January 20, 2019 Dale Christie

Hello fellow members, I hope everyone had a good weekend and was able to enjoy the nice weather. If you’re reading this sunday night, there is a great meteor shower going on outside! I have two events to tell you about this time. The first is a reminder of the scheduled event coming up Saturday,…

January 20, 2019 Dale Christie

Hello All, Sorry for the excessive email, but I want to share some additional info about the upcoming two events I recently wrote about. First of all, I left out an important detail about the upcoming car tour. The meet time. It will be 10:00am. Secondly, I have the following new info regarding the hike…

January 20, 2019 Dale Christie

Hello once again, It has been brought to my attention that the event this coming saturday will begin at 9:30, NOT 10:00 as I previously wrote. I apologize for the error. Once again, the car tour by Jim Rowe will begin at 9:30am. Most vardenafil vs viagra of the procedures and techniques involve risks. Surgery…

January 20, 2019 Dale Christie

Hello friends of the road, I regret to inform you all that we have lost a few of our friends recently. I have been told that Bob Barlow and Fred Thurlow have recently passed on. And yesterday I received the following from Marge Gregory: To Spence Gregory’s Crown Point friends: Sorry to have to tell…

January 20, 2019 Dale Christie

Hello friends of the road! If you’re like me, Labor Day weekend can be of mixed feelings. Sure it is (hopefully) a holiday for all of you, but it also means back to school, and a foreshadowing of colder weather to come. Although this week sure has felt like summer huh? I’ve got some propaganda…

January 20, 2019 Dale Christie

Hello all, Eager to get outside to get some exercise and talk about history? Well, below are the details about the upcoming CPRA history hike: Saturday September 14, 2013 Crown Point Road history hike in Weathersfield to the original CPRA 11- and 10-Mile Markers (#22 and #18) and continue on to Grout Cemetery, a walk…

January 20, 2019 Dale Christie

Hello Friends of the Road, It is now officially Fall, and our extended dry and warm Summer is now behind us. I hope no one had any flooding earlier this week and hopefully, Hurricane Joaquin will get lost in the Bermuda Triangle! Well our old road has survived many storms and I have no doubt…

January 20, 2019 Dale Christie

Hello All, For those who are in Vermont, isn’t the foliage exploding in beauty? I wondered if we would get this much color with all the dry weather in September, but it appears we are very fortunate. It is a good time to get out for a hike, or just a nice walk on a…